Password Reset

Password Reset

We have initiated password resets across all accounts. This means that the next time you want to login to our systems, you will need to go to and take the following steps:
  1. Click the Forgot Password link

  2. Enter your username and click Submit

  3. Follow the prompts to reset your password. This may involve a verification code sent to your alternate email address (please allow a few minutes to receive it),

  4. You will receive an email indicating that you have initiated a password request and an additional email with your verification.

  5. Enter the verification code from your email and click submit (please enter the verification code from your email and not the one shown above)

  6. You will likely be asked to complete some other form of your Account Recovery such answer a Security Question or send another verification code to your email.

  7. After answering security questions or entering the second verification code from your email (or other Account Recovery options that you previously set up), you’ll be prompted to enter a New password and then re-enter again to Confirm it. Password requirements are as follows:
    1. Must contain at least 10 characters
    2. Must contain at least 2 uppercase letters
    3. Must contain at least 2 lowercase letters
    4. Must contain at least 2 digits
    5. Must contain at least 2 special characters
    6. Special Characters should be in the middle of the word, not at the end
    7. Must not contain any part of your username
    8. Must not contain 3 or more consecutive identical characters
    9. Must not be from the list of prohibited passwords (e.g password,asbury,seminary)
    10. Must not be in the list of breached passwords
    11. Must not repeat any of your previous 5 passwords
    12. Must differ from your current password by more than the last character

  8. You should receive a page indicating that it was successful. If you store passwords in your browser's password keeper or other 3rd party password vault, please be sure to update that with your new Asbury Seminary password.

  9. You will then be taken to the login page again where you will enter your username and the new password that you just set. 

  10. You will likely be asked to complete some other form of your Account Recovery again. If you’re on a private device that you use frequently, make sure to click the “Trust this device” box so that you don’t have to continue to re-enter your Account Recovery options on this device and from the location you're accessing your account.

  11. After successfully completing this, you should see your My Apps page. This would be a good time to review your Account Recovery options by clicking your name at the top right and then clicking My Account.

  12. When you click My Account, you'll be asked to enter your new password again

  13. After successfully entering your password, you'll see your Account Recovery Settings page. Security Questions and Email Recovery are typically required. Phone Recovery and Authenticator are optional. Here's a link to assist with that: Login and Security Settings. When Account Recovery settings are completed, you can click on Go to My Apps at the bottom right of the page.

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