If you desire to use the Library Loan services, or simply keep your information up to date, you may submit an online request for a change of address or other information connected with your Seminary account.
2. Login with your ATS username and password
3. Once logged in, select the 9 tile square to the right of the "Asbury Connect" logo
4. In the drop down menu, select Portal
5. Select Student Portal
6. For security purposes, please login again with your ATS username and password
7. Once in Portal, select My Profile from the Navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen
8. From the drop down menu, select My Information
9. Scroll down and select the button Request Change
10. Here, you may type out your request in the "Send Message" pop-up window provided (NOTE: if you do not see a pop-up window, you may need to allow pop-ups from this site before continuing)
11. Click on Submit
12. Your request will be process by the registrar's office, and changes will be made promptly to your account
Once the change has been made with the registrar, you can request material with our Library Loan service and the items will be sent to the updated address. Please note that any prior and outdated material will be marked inactive from your account, but will stay in the records of the registrar's office. This will not affect your Library Loan requests, and only the active and more recent information will display.