Did my Canvas assignment upload successfully?

Did my Canvas assignment upload successfully?

When you submit an assignment in Canvas, you may wonder if the assignment uploaded correctly. Well, let's look at the submission results screen to see how you can be sure that your submission went through.

Above is a preview of the submissions result screen that you will see after you have submitted your assignment in Canvas. Let's look at two specific areas of this interface.

Many students see the button that says "Try Again" (1) and think that the upload failed. They then click this button and end up in a loop of uploading assignments until they contact the Helpdesk for assistance. What many students don't realize is that the "Try Again" button is mainly there if you need to upload an amended file, and are allowed to re-upload. This button doesn't mean that your submission attempt failed.

In this case we can see that near the top of the interface there is a successful "Submitted" (2) message. This shows us that in fact the file was successfully submitted! If you see that message, have no fears, your file went through successfully. If you don't see that message, you may be experiencing issues and you should reach out to the Helpdesk at either (859)858-2100 or at Helpdesk@asburyseminary.edu.
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